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Lakeland FL Low Back Pain Relief Is Closer Than You Think And Does Not Include Surgery

By : better
On : 01:00
By Selena Chery

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit a Lakeland FL Chiropractor. The doctor of chiropractic provides care for the spine. It is within this structure of bones, cartilage, connective tissues and nerves that most back problems begin. Using chiropractic adjustments, the balance is restored to the back, allowing the body to heal naturally and the pain to subside.

Low back pain can have several causes. Some experience pain from herniated discs while others suffer from bones that are out of place. In either case, pressure on a nerve may cause the problem. In addition, pain can be related to strains and sprains.

Chiropractors use computer operated tables to provide gentle stretching of herniated discs. The process allows any fluid that has leaked out of the disc to be drawn back into its normal position. Over time, the outer layer of the disc begins to heal, so the fluid is retained in its place and the pain the disc has caused subsides.

Car wrecks, falls and sporting accidents can all cause bones to move from their normal position. Often these bones place pressure on nerves where they normally exit the spine. The pressure leads to irritation and inflammation as well as pain. The spinal adjustment gently moves the bones back to their normal position allowing natural healing. After these types of injury, a visit to the chiropractor can ensure injuries heal properly, preventing long term suffering.

Muscles and connective tissues may be subject to strains or sprains, resulting in back pain. Chiropractors use several types of techniques to speed the healing process. As the pain subsides, patients are often taught strengthening exercises to reduce their chances of future injury or re-injury of the same tissue.

The methods used by chiropractors are non-invasive and speed the process of healing. These care providers do not depend on surgery or medication. They apply external forces to the body in order to restore balance and improve natural healing.

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